
class litestar.response.file.ASGIFileResponse#

Bases: ASGIStreamingResponse

A low-level ASGI response, streaming a file as response body.

__init__(*, background: BackgroundTask | BackgroundTasks | None = None, body: bytes | str = b'', chunk_size: int = 1048576, content_disposition_type: Literal['attachment', 'inline'] = 'attachment', content_length: int | None = None, cookies: Iterable[Cookie] | None = None, encoded_headers: Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]] | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', etag: ETag | None = None, file_info: FileInfo | Coroutine[None, None, FileInfo] | None = None, file_path: str | PathLike | Path, file_system: FileSystemProtocol | None = None, filename: str = '', headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, is_head_response: bool = False, media_type: MediaType | str | None = None, stat_result: stat_result_type | None = None, status_code: int | None = None) None#

A low-level ASGI response, streaming a file as response body.

  • background – A background task or a list of background tasks to be executed after the response is sent.

  • body – encoded content to send in the response body.

  • chunk_size – The chunk size to use.

  • content_disposition_type – The type of the Content-Disposition. Either inline or attachment.

  • content_length – The response content length.

  • cookies – The response cookies.

  • encoded_headers – A list of encoded headers.

  • encoding – The response encoding.

  • etag – An etag.

  • file_info – A file info.

  • file_path – A path to a file.

  • file_system – A file system adapter.

  • filename – The name of the file.

  • headers – A dictionary of headers.

  • headers – The response headers.

  • is_head_response – A boolean indicating if the response is a HEAD response.

  • media_type – The media type of the file.

  • stat_result – A stat result.

  • status_code – The response status code.

async send_body(send: Send, receive: Receive) None#

Emit a stream of events correlating with the response body.

  • send – The ASGI send function.

  • receive – The ASGI receive function.



async start_response(send: Send) None#

Emit the start event of the response. This event includes the headers and status codes.


send – The ASGI send function.



class litestar.response.file.File#

Bases: Response

A response, streaming a file as response body.

__init__(path: str | PathLike | Path, *, background: BackgroundTask | BackgroundTasks | None = None, chunk_size: int = 1048576, content_disposition_type: Literal['attachment', 'inline'] = 'attachment', cookies: ResponseCookies | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', etag: ETag | None = None, file_info: FileInfo | Coroutine[Any, Any, FileInfo] | None = None, file_system: FileSystemProtocol | None = None, filename: str | None = None, headers: ResponseHeaders | None = None, media_type: Literal[MediaType.TEXT] | str | None = None, stat_result: stat_result_type | None = None, status_code: int | None = None) None#

Initialize File


  • This class extends the Stream class.

  • path – A file path in one of the supported formats.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • chunk_size – The chunk sizes to use when streaming the file. Defaults to 1MB.

  • content_disposition_type – The type of the Content-Disposition. Either inline or attachment.

  • cookies – A list of Cookie instances to be set under the response Set-Cookie header.

  • encoding – The encoding to be used for the response headers.

  • etag – An optional ETag instance. If not provided, an etag will be generated.

  • file_info – The output of calling, equivalent to providing an os.stat_result.

  • file_system – An implementation of the FileSystemProtocol. If provided it will be used to load the file.

  • filename – An optional filename to set in the header.

  • headers – A string keyed dictionary of response headers. Header keys are insensitive.

  • media_type – A value for the response Content-Type header. If not provided, the value will be either derived from the filename if provided and supported by the stdlib, or will default to application/octet-stream.

  • stat_result – An optional result of calling :func:os.stat:. If not provided, this will be done by the response constructor.

  • status_code – An HTTP status code.

to_asgi_response(app: Litestar | None, request: Request, *, background: BackgroundTask | BackgroundTasks | None = None, encoded_headers: Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]] | None = None, cookies: Iterable[Cookie] | None = None, headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, is_head_response: bool = False, media_type: MediaType | str | None = None, status_code: int | None = None, type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = None) ASGIFileResponse#

Create an ASGIFileResponse instance.

  • app – The Litestar application instance.

  • background – Background task(s) to be executed after the response is sent.

  • cookies – A list of cookies to be set on the response.

  • encoded_headers – A list of already encoded headers.

  • headers – Additional headers to be merged with the response headers. Response headers take precedence.

  • is_head_response – Whether the response is a HEAD response.

  • media_type – Media type for the response. If media_type is already set on the response, this is ignored.

  • request – The Request instance.

  • status_code – Status code for the response. If status_code is already set on the response, this is

  • type_encoders – A dictionary of type encoders to use for encoding the response content.


A low-level ASGI file response.

async litestar.response.file.async_file_iterator(file_path: PathType, chunk_size: int, adapter: FileSystemAdapter) AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]#

Return an async that asynchronously reads a file and yields its chunks.

  • file_path – A path to a file.

  • chunk_size – The chunk file to use.

  • adapter – File system adapter class.

  • adapter – File system adapter class.


An async generator.

litestar.response.file.create_etag_for_file(path: PathType, modified_time: float, file_size: int) str#

Create an etag.


  • Function is derived from flask.


An etag.