Excluding and including endpoints#

Please make sure you read the security backends documentation first for learning how to set up a security backend. This section focuses on configuring the exclude rule for those backends.

There are multiple ways for including or excluding endpoints in the authentication flow. The default rules are configured in the Auth object used (subclass of AbstractSecurityConfig). The examples below use SessionAuth but it is the same for JWTAuth and JWTCookieAuth.

Excluding routes#

The exclude argument takes a string or list of strings that are interpreted as regex patterns. For example, the configuration below would apply authentication to all endpoints except those where the route starts with /login, /signup, or /schema. Thus, one does not have to exclude /schema/swagger as well - it is included in the /schema pattern.

This also means that passing / will disable authentication for all routes.

session_auth = SessionAuth[User, ServerSideSessionBackend](
# we must pass a config for a session backend.
# all session backends are supported
# exclude any URLs that should not have authentication.
# We exclude the documentation URLs, signup and login.
exclude=["/login", "/signup", "/schema"],

Including routes#

Since the exclusion rules are evaluated as regex, it is possible to pass a rule that inverts exclusion - meaning, no path but the one specified in the pattern will be protected by authentication. In the example below, only endpoints under the /secured route will require authentication - all other routes do not.

session_auth = SessionAuth[User, ServerSideSessionBackend](
# we must pass a config for a session backend.
# all session backends are supported
# exclude any URLs that should not have authentication.
# We exclude the documentation URLs, signup and login.

Exclude from auth#

Sometimes, you might want to apply authentication to all endpoints under a route but a few selected. In this case, you can pass exclude_from_auth=True to the route handler as shown below.

def secured_route() -> Any:

@get("/unsecured", exclude_from_auth=True)
def unsecured_route() -> Any:

You can set an alternative option key in the security configuration, e.g., you can use no_auth instead of exclude_from_auth.

def secured_route() -> Any:

@get("/unsecured", no_auth=True)
def unsecured_route() -> Any:

session_auth = SessionAuth[User, ServerSideSessionBackend](
# we must pass a config for a session backend.
# all session backends are supported
# exclude any URLs that should not have authentication.
# We exclude the documentation URLs, signup and login.
exclude=["/login", "/signup", "/schema"],
exclude_opt_key="no_auth"  # default value is `exclude_from_auth`