When developing applications, oftentimes a simply storage mechanism is needed, for example when caching response data or storing data for server-side sessions. In cases like these a traditional database is often not needed, and a simple key/value store suffices.
Litestar provides several low level key value stores, offering an asynchronous interface to store data in a
thread- and process-safe manner. These stores are centrally managed via a
, allowing easy access throughout the whole application and
third party integration (for example plugins).
Built-in stores#
A simple in-memory store, using a dictionary to hold data. This store offers no persistence and is not thread or multiprocess safe, but it is suitable for basic applications such as caching and has generally the lowest overhead. This is the default store used by Litestar internally. If you plan to enable multiple web workers and you need inter-process communication across multiple worker processes, you should use one of the other non-memory stores instead.
A store that saves data as files on disk. Persistence is built in, and data is easy to extract and back up. It is slower compared to in-memory solutions, and primarily suitable for situations when larger amounts of data need to be stored, is particularly long-lived, or persistence has a very high importance. Offers namespacing.
A store backend by redis. It offers all the guarantees and features of Redis, making it suitable for almost all applications. Offers namespacing.
A store backed by valkey, a fork of Redis created as the result of Redis’ license changes. Similarly to the RedisStore, it is suitable for almost all applications and supports namespacing. At the time of writing,
is equivalent toredis.asyncio.Redis
, and all notes pertaining to Redis also apply to Valkey.
Why not memcached?
Memcached is not a supported backend, and will likely also not be added in the future. The reason for this is simply that it’s hard to support memcached properly, since it’s missing a lot of basic functionality like checking a key’s expiry time, or something like Redis’ SCAN command, which allows to implement pattern-based deletion of keys.
Interacting with a store#
The most fundamental operations of a store are:
Getting and setting values#
from litestar.stores.memory import MemoryStore
store = MemoryStore()
async def main() -> None:
value = await store.get("key")
print(value) # this will print 'None', as no store with this key has been defined yet
await store.set("key", b"value")
value = await store.get("key")
Setting an expiry time#
The set
method has an optional parameter expires_in
, allowing to specify a time after
which a stored value should expire.
from asyncio import sleep
from litestar.stores.memory import MemoryStore
store = MemoryStore()
async def main() -> None:
await store.set("foo", b"bar", expires_in=1)
value = await store.get("foo")
await sleep(1)
value = await store.get("foo") # this will return 'None', since the key has expired
It is up to the individual store to decide how to handle expired values, and implementations may differ. The
redis based store
for example uses Redis’ native expiry mechanism to handle this,
while the FileStore
only deletes expired values when they’re trying to be accessed,
or explicitly deleted via the delete_expired
It is also possible to extend the expiry time on each access, which is useful for applications such as server side sessions or LRU caches:
from asyncio import sleep
from litestar.stores.memory import MemoryStore
store = MemoryStore()
async def main() -> None:
await store.set("foo", b"bar", expires_in=1)
await sleep(0.5)
await store.get("foo", renew_for=1) # this will reset the time to live to one second
await sleep(1)
# it has now been 1.5 seconds since the key was set with a life time of one second,
# so it should have expired however, since it was renewed for one second, it is still available
value = await store.get("foo")
Deleting expired values#
When using a MemoryStore
or FileStore
, expired data won’t be
deleted automatically. Instead, it will only happen when the data is being accessed, or if this process is invoked
explicitly via MemoryStore.delete_expired
It’s a good practice to call delete_expired
periodically, to ensure the size of the stored values does not grow
In this example, an after_response handler is used to delete expired items at most every 30 second:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from litestar import Litestar, Request
from litestar.stores.memory import MemoryStore
memory_store = MemoryStore()
async def after_response(request: Request) -> None:
now = datetime.utcnow()
last_cleared ="store_last_cleared", now)
if datetime.utcnow() - last_cleared > timedelta(seconds=30):
await memory_store.delete_expired()
app.state["store_last_cleared"] = now
app = Litestar(after_response=after_response)
When using the FileStore
, expired items may also be deleted on startup:
from pathlib import Path
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.stores.file import FileStore
file_store = FileStore(Path("data"))
async def on_startup() -> None:
await file_store.delete_expired()
app = Litestar(on_startup=[on_startup])
For the MemoryStore
, this is not needed as the data is simply stored in a dictionary.
This means that every time a new instance of this store is created, it will start out empty.
What can be stored#
Stores generally operate on bytes
; They accept bytes to store, and will return bytes. For convenience, the
method also allows to pass in strings, which will be UTF-8 encoded before being stored.
This means that get
will return bytes even when a string has been passed to
The reason for this limitation is simple: Different backends used to store the data offer vastly different encoding,
storage, and (de)serialization capacities. Since stores are designed to be interchangeable, this means settling for a
common denominator, a type that all backends will support. bytes
meet these requirements and make it possible
to store a very wide variety of data.
Technical details
differs from this, because it does not do any encoding before storing
the value. This means that it’s technically possible to store arbitrary objects in this store, and get the same
object back. However, this is not reflected in the store’s typing, as the underlying Store
interface does not guarantee this behaviour, and it is not guaranteed that
will always behave in this case.
When stores are being used for more than one purpose, some extra bookkeeping is required to safely perform bulk
operations such as delete_all
. If for example a
was used, simply issuing a FLUSHALL
command might have unforeseen consequences.
To help with this, some stores offer namespacing capabilities, allowing to build a simple hierarchy of stores.
These come with the additional with_namespace
method, which returns a
new NamespacedStore
instance. Once a namespaced store is created, operations on it
will only affect itself and its child namespaces.
When using the RedisStore
, this allows to reuse the same underlying
instance and connection, while ensuring isolation.
uses the LITESTAR
namespace by default; all keys created by this store,
will use the LITESTAR
prefix when storing data in redis.
is implemented in such a way that it will only delete
keys matching the current namespace, making it safe and side-effect free.
This can be turned off by explicitly passing namespace=None
to the store when creating a new instance.
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.stores.redis import RedisStore
root_store = RedisStore.with_client()
cache_store = root_store.with_namespace("cache")
session_store = root_store.with_namespace("sessions")
async def before_shutdown() -> None:
await cache_store.delete_all()
app = Litestar(before_shutdown=[before_shutdown])
Even though all three stores defined here use the same Redis instance, calling delete_all
on the cache_store
will not affect data within the session_store
Defining stores hierarchically like this still allows to easily clear everything, by simply calling
on the root store.
Managing stores with the registry#
The StoreRegistry
is a central place through which stores can be
configured and managed, and can help to easily access stores set up and used by other parts of the application, Litestar
internals or third party integrations. It is available throughout the whole application context via the
It operates on a few basic principles:
An initial mapping of stores can be provided to the registry
Registered stores can be requested with
If a store has been requested that has not been registered yet, a store of that name will be created and registered using the the default factory
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.stores.memory import MemoryStore
app = Litestar([], stores={"memory": MemoryStore()})
memory_store = app.stores.get("memory")
# this is the previously defined store
some_other_store = app.stores.get("something_else")
# this will be a newly created instance
assert app.stores.get("something_else") is some_other_store
# but subsequent requests will return the same instance
This pattern offers isolation of stores, and an easy way to configure stores used by middlewares and other Litestar features or third party integrations.
In the following example, the store set up by the
is accessed via the registry:
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.middleware.rate_limit import RateLimitConfig
app = Litestar(middleware=[RateLimitConfig(("second", 1)).middleware])
rate_limit_store = app.stores.get("rate_limit")
This works because RateLimitMiddleware
will request
its store internally via app.stores.get
as well.
The default factory#
The pattern above is made possible by using the registry’s default factory; A callable that gets invoked
every time a store is requested that hasn’t been registered yet. It’s similar to the default
argument to
By default, the default factory is a function that returns a new
instance. This behaviour can be changed by supplying a
custom default_factory
method to the registry.
To make use of this, a registry instance can be passed directly to the application:
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.stores.memory import MemoryStore
from litestar.stores.registry import StoreRegistry
memory_store = MemoryStore()
def default_factory(name: str) -> MemoryStore:
return memory_store
app = Litestar([], stores=StoreRegistry(default_factory=default_factory))
The registry will now return the same MemoryStore
every time an undefined
store is being requested.
Using the registry to configure integrations#
This mechanism also allows to control the stores used by various integrations, such as middlewares:
from pathlib import Path
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.middleware.session.server_side import ServerSideSessionConfig
from litestar.stores.file import FileStore
from litestar.stores.redis import RedisStore
app = Litestar(
"sessions": RedisStore.with_client(),
"response_cache": FileStore(Path("response-cache")),
In this example, the registry is being set up with stores using the sessions
and response_cache
keys. These are
not magic constants, but instead configuration values that can be changed. Those names just happen to be their default
values. Adjusting those default values allows to easily reuse stores, without the need for a more complex setup:
from pathlib import Path
from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.config.response_cache import ResponseCacheConfig
from litestar.middleware.rate_limit import RateLimitConfig
from litestar.middleware.session.server_side import ServerSideSessionConfig
from litestar.stores.file import FileStore
from litestar.stores.redis import RedisStore
app = Litestar(
stores={"redis": RedisStore.with_client(), "file": FileStore(Path("data"))},
RateLimitConfig(rate_limit=("second", 10), store="redis").middleware,
Now the rate limit middleware and response caching will use the redis
store, while sessions will be store in the
Setting up the default factory with namespacing#
The default factory can be used in conjunction with namespacing to create isolated, hierarchically organized stores, with minimal boilerplate:
from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.middleware.rate_limit import RateLimitConfig
from litestar.middleware.session.server_side import ServerSideSessionConfig
from litestar.stores.redis import RedisStore
from litestar.stores.registry import StoreRegistry
root_store = RedisStore.with_client()
@get(cache=True, sync_to_thread=False)
def cached_handler() -> str:
# this will use app.stores.get("response_cache")
return "Hello, world!"
app = Litestar(
RateLimitConfig(("second", 1)).middleware,
Without any extra configuration, every call to app.stores.get
with a unique name will return a namespace for this
name only, while re-using the underlying Redis instance.
Store lifetime#
Stores may not be automatically closed when the application is shut down.
This is the case in particular for the RedisStore if you are not using the class method RedisStore.with_client
and passing in your own Redis instance.
In this case you’re responsible to close the Redis instance yourself.