Litestar HTMX integration.


A special Request class, providing interaction with the HTMX client.

from litestar.contrib.htmx.request import HTMXRequest
from litestar.contrib.htmx.response import HTMXTemplate
from litestar import get, Litestar
from litestar.response import Template

from litestar.contrib.jinja import JinjaTemplateEngine
from litestar.template.config import TemplateConfig

from pathlib import Path

def get_form(request: HTMXRequest) -> Template:
    htmx = request.htmx  #  if true will return HTMXDetails class object
    if htmx:
    # OR
    if request.htmx:
    return HTMXTemplate(template_name="partial.html", context=context, push_url="/form")

app = Litestar(

See HTMXDetails for a full list of available properties.

HTMX Response Classes#

HTMXTemplate Response Classes#

The most common use-case for htmx to render an html page or html snippet. Litestar makes this easy by providing an HTMXTemplate response:

from litestar.contrib.htmx.response import HTMXTemplate
from litestar.response import Template

def get_form(
    request: HTMXRequest,
) -> Template:  # Return type is Template and not HTMXTemplate.
    return HTMXTemplate(
        # Optional parameters
        push_url="/form",  # update browser history
        re_swap="outerHTML",  # change swapping method
        re_target="#new-target",  # change target element
        trigger_event="showMessage",  # trigger event name
        params={"alert": "Confirm your Choice."},  # parameter to pass to the event
        after="receive",  #  when to trigger event,
        # possible values 'receive', 'settle', and 'swap'


  • Return type is litestar’s Template and not HTMXTemplate.

  • trigger_event, params, and after parameters are linked to one another.

  • If you are triggering an event then after is required and it must be one of receive, settle, or swap.

HTMX provides two types of responses - one that doesn’t allow changes to the DOM and one that does. Litestar supports both of these:

1 - Responses that don’t make any changes to DOM.#

Use HXStopPolling to stop polling for a response.

def handler() -> HXStopPolling:
    return HXStopPolling()

Use ClientRedirect to redirect with a page reload.

def handler() -> ClientRedirect:
    return ClientRedirect(redirect_to="/contact-us")

Use ClientRefresh to force a full page refresh.

def handler() -> ClientRefresh:
    return ClientRefresh()

2 - Responses that may change DOM.#

Use HXLocation to redirect to a new location without page reload.

  • Note: this class provides the ability to change target, swapping method, the sent values, and the headers.)

def handler() -> HXLocation:
    return HXLocation(
        # Optional parameters
        source,  # the source element of the request.
        event,  # an event that "triggered" the request.
        target="#target",  # element id to target to.
        swap="outerHTML",  # swapping method to use.
        hx_headers={"attr": "val"},  # headers to pass to htmx.
        values={"val": "one"},
    )  # values to submit with response.

Use PushUrl to carry a response and push a url to the browser, optionally updating the history stack.

  • Note: If the value for push_url is set to False it will prevent updating browser history.

def handler() -> PushUrl:
    return PushUrl(content="Success!", push_url="/about")

Use ReplaceUrl to carry a response and replace the url in the browser’s location bar. - Note: If the value to replace_url is set to False it will prevent it updating the browser location bar.

def handler() -> ReplaceUrl:
    return ReplaceUrl(content="Success!", replace_url="/contact-us")

Use Reswap to carry a response perhaps a swap

def handler() -> Reswap:
    return Reswap(content="Success!", method="beforebegin")

Use Retarget to carry a response and change the target element.

def handler() -> Retarget:
    return Retarget(content="Success!", target="#new-target")

Use TriggerEvent to carry a response and trigger an event.

def handler() -> TriggerEvent:
    return TriggerEvent(
        params={"attr": "value"},
        after="receive",  # possible values 'receive', 'settle', and 'swap'