Starlite library documentation#

Starlite is a powerful, flexible, highly performant and opinionated ASGI framework, offering first class typing support and a full Pydantic integration.

The Starlite framework supports Plugins, ships with dependency injection, security primitives, OpenAPI schema generation, MessagePack, middlewares and much more.


pip install starlite
Brotli Compression Middleware:

pip install starlite[brotli]

Client-side sessions

pip install starlite[cryptography]

Server-side sessions / redis caching:

pip install starlite[redis]

Server-side sessions / memcached caching:

pip install starlite[memcached]


pip install starlite[picologging]


pip install starlite[structlog]

Open Telemetry Instrumentation

pip install starlite[openetelemetry]


pip install starlite[cli]

Standard installation (includes CLI, picologging and Jinja2 templating):

pip install starlite[standard]

All extras:

pip install starlite[full]

Minimal Example#

Define your data model using pydantic or any library based on it (for example ormar, beanie, SQLModel):

from pydantic import BaseModel, UUID4

class User(BaseModel):
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    id: UUID4

You can also use dataclasses (standard library and Pydantic), typing.TypedDict or msgspec.Struct.

from uuid import UUID

# from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import dataclass

class User:
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    id: UUID

Define a Controller for your data model:

from typing import List

from pydantic import UUID4
from starlite import Controller, Partial, get, post, put, patch, delete

from my_app.models import User

class UserController(Controller):
    path = "/users"

    async def create_user(self, data: User) -> User:

    async def list_users(self) -> List[User]:

    async def partial_update_user(self, user_id: UUID4, data: Partial[User]) -> User:

    async def update_user(self, user_id: UUID4, data: User) -> User:

    async def get_user(self, user_id: UUID4) -> User:

    async def delete_user(self, user_id: UUID4) -> None:
from pydantic import UUID4
from starlite import Controller, Partial, get, post, put, patch, delete

from my_app.models import User

class UserController(Controller):
    path = "/users"

    async def create_user(self, data: User) -> User:

    async def list_users(self) -> list[User]:

    async def partial_update_user(self, user_id: UUID4, data: Partial[User]) -> User:

    async def update_user(self, user_id: UUID4, data: User) -> User:

    async def get_user(self, user_id: UUID4) -> User:

    async def delete_user(self, user_id: UUID4) -> None:

When instantiating your app, import your controller into your application’s entry-point and pass it to Starlite:

from starlite import Starlite

from my_app.controllers.user import UserController

app = Starlite(route_handlers=[UserController])

To run your application, use an ASGI server such as uvicorn :

uvicorn my_app.main:app --reload


  • Starlite is a community-driven project. This means not a single author, but rather a core team of maintainers is leading the project, supported by a community of contributors. Starlite currently has 5 maintainers and is being very actively developed.

  • Starlite draws inspiration from NestJS - a contemporary TypeScript framework - which places opinions and patterns at its core.

  • While still allowing for function-based endpoints, Starlite seeks to build on Python’s powerful and versatile OOP, by placing class-based controllers at its core.

  • Starlite is not a microframework. Unlike frameworks such as FastAPI, Starlette or Flask, Starlite includes a lot of functionalities out of the box needed for a typical modern web application, such as ORM integration, client- and server-side sessions, caching, OpenTelemetry integration and many more. It’s not aiming to be “the next Django” (for example, it will never feature its own ORM), but its scope is not micro either.

Feature comparison with similar frameworks#







Automatic API documentation

Swagger, ReDoc, Stoplight Elements

Swagger, ReDoc

Data validation

Dependency Injection

Class based routing

(Through extension)

ORM integration

SQLAlchemy, Tortoise, Piccolo

(Through extension)


Jinja, Mako







(Through extension)



(Through extension)







JWT / Session based


Example Applications#

  • starlite-pg-redis-docker : In addition to Starlite, this demonstrates a pattern of application modularity, SQLAlchemy 2.0 ORM, Redis cache connectivity, and more. Like all Starlite projects, this application is open to contributions, big and small.

  • starlite-hello-world: A bare-minimum application setup. Great for testing and POC work.