
class starlite.handlers.http.HTTPRouteHandler#

Bases: BaseRouteHandler[HTTPRouteHandler]

HTTP Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler with multiple methods.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, http_method: Union[HttpMethod, Literal['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'TRACE', 'OPTIONS'], List[Union[HttpMethod, Literal['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'TRACE', 'OPTIONS']]]], media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize HTTPRouteHandler.

  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag that will be added to the response.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • http_method – An http method string, a member of the enum HttpMethod or a list of these that correlates to the methods the route handler function should handle.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 200 for mixed method or GET, PUT and PATCH, 201 for POST and 204 for DELETE.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.

__call__(fn: AnyCallable) HTTPRouteHandler#

Replace a function with itself.

resolve_response_class() Type[Response]#

Return the closest custom Response class in the owner graph or the default Response class.

This method is memoized so the computation occurs only once.


The default Response class for the route handler.

resolve_response_headers() Dict[str, Any]#

Return all header parameters in the scope of the handler function.


A dictionary mapping keys to ResponseHeader instances.

resolve_response_cookies() FrozenSet[Cookie]#

Return a list of Cookie instances. Filters the list to ensure each cookie key is unique.


A list of Cookie instances.

resolve_before_request() Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]#

Resolve the before_handler handler by starting from the route handler and moving up.

If a handler is found it is returned, otherwise None is set. This method is memoized so the computation occurs only once.


An optional before request lifecycle hook handler

resolve_after_response() Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]#

Resolve the after_response handler by starting from the route handler and moving up.

If a handler is found it is returned, otherwise None is set. This method is memoized so the computation occurs only once.


An optional after response lifecycle hook handler

resolve_type_encoders() Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]]#

Resolve type_encoders by merging existing type_encoders from all layers.


A TypeEncodersMap to use for this response or None

resolve_response_handler() Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]#

Resolve the response_handler function for the route handler.

This method is memoized so the computation occurs only once.


Async Callable to handle an HTTP Request

async to_response(app: Starlite, data: Any, plugins: List[PluginProtocol], request: Request) ASGIApp#

Return a Response from the handler by resolving and calling it.

  • app – The Starlite app instance

  • data – Either an instance of a ResponseContainer, a Response instance or an arbitrary value.

  • plugins – An optional mapping of plugins

  • request – A Request instance


A Response instance


alias of HTTPRouteHandler

class starlite.handlers.http.get#

Bases: HTTPRouteHandler

GET Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler for GET requests.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize get.

  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag that will be added to the response.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 200.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema. type_encoders: A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.

class starlite.handlers.http.head#

Bases: HTTPRouteHandler

HEAD Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler for HEAD requests.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize head.


  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 200.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.


Bases: HTTPRouteHandler

POST Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler for POST requests.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize post

  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag that will be added to the response.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 201 for POST.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.

class starlite.handlers.http.put#

Bases: HTTPRouteHandler

PUT Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler for PUT requests.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize put

  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag that will be added to the response.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 200.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.

class starlite.handlers.http.patch#

Bases: HTTPRouteHandler

PATCH Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler for PATCH requests.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize patch.

  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag that will be added to the response.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 200.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.

class starlite.handlers.http.delete#

Bases: HTTPRouteHandler

DELETE Route Decorator.

Use this decorator to decorate an HTTP handler for DELETE requests.

__init__(path: Union[str, None, List[str]] = None, *, after_request: Optional[Union[Callable[[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Union[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Awaitable[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]]]], Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]]] = None, after_response: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]] = None, background: Optional[Union[BackgroundTask, BackgroundTasks]] = None, before_request: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[Any, Awaitable[Any]]]] = None, cache: Union[bool, int] = False, cache_control: Optional[CacheControlHeader] = None, cache_key_builder: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Dict[str, Provide]] = None, etag: Optional[ETag] = None, exception_handlers: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Type[Exception]], Callable[[Any, _ExceptionT], Any]]] = None, guards: Optional[List[Callable[[Any, Any], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]]] = None, media_type: Optional[Union[MediaType, str]] = None, middleware: Optional[List[Union[Callable[[...], Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]]], Any, Iterator[Tuple[Callable[[Union[HTTPScope, WebSocketScope], Callable[[...], Awaitable[Union[HTTPRequestEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketConnectEvent, WebSocketReceiveEvent, WebSocketDisconnectEvent]]], Callable[[Union[HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseBodyEvent, HTTPServerPushEvent, HTTPDisconnectEvent, WebSocketAcceptEvent, WebSocketSendEvent, WebSocketResponseStartEvent, WebSocketResponseBodyEvent, WebSocketCloseEvent]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], Dict[str, Any]]], Type[Any]]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, opt: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, response_class: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, response_cookies: Optional[List[Any]] = None, response_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, sync_to_thread: bool = False, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_media_type: Optional[str] = None, deprecated: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, operation_id: Optional[str] = None, raises: Optional[List[Type[HTTPException]]] = None, response_description: Optional[str] = None, responses: Optional[Dict[int, ResponseSpec]] = None, security: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[str]]]] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, type_encoders: Optional[Dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None#

Initialize delete

  • path – A path fragment for the route handler function or a list of path fragments. If not given defaults to '/'

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed before a Request is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • background – A BackgroundTask instance or BackgroundTasks to execute after the response is finished. Defaults to None.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the starlite.connection.Request` instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • cache – Enables response caching if configured on the application level. Valid values are True or a number of seconds (e.g. 120) to cache the response.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader that will be added to the response.

  • cache_key_builder – A cache-key builder function. Allows for customization of the cache key if caching is configured on the application level.

  • dependencies – A string keyed dictionary of dependency Provider instances.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag that will be added to the response.

  • exception_handlers – A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types.

  • guards – A list of Guard callables.

  • media_type – A member of the MediaType enum or a string with a valid IANA Media-Type.

  • middleware – A list of Middleware.

  • name – A string identifying the route handler.

  • opt – A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as route handler’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A list of Cookie instances.

  • response_headers – A string keyed dictionary mapping ResponseHeader instances.

  • responses – A dictionary of additional status codes and a description of their expected content. This information will be included in the OpenAPI schema

  • status_code – An http status code for the response. Defaults to 204.

  • sync_to_thread – A boolean dictating whether the handler function will be executed in a worker thread or the main event loop. This has an effect only for sync handler functions. See using sync handler functions.

  • content_encoding – A string describing the encoding of the content, e.g. "base64".

  • content_media_type – A string designating the media-type of the content, e.g. "image/png".

  • deprecated – A boolean dictating whether this route should be marked as deprecated in the OpenAPI schema.

  • description – Text used for the route’s schema description section.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • operation_id – An identifier used for the route’s schema operationId. Defaults to the __name__ of the wrapped function.

  • raises – A list of exception classes extending from starlite.HttpException that is used for the OpenAPI documentation. This list should describe all exceptions raised within the route handler’s function/method. The Starlite ValidationException will be added automatically for the schema if any validation is involved.

  • response_description – Text used for the route’s response schema description section.

  • security – A list of dictionaries that contain information about which security scheme can be used on the endpoint.

  • summary – Text used for the route’s schema summary section.

  • tags – A list of string tags that will be appended to the OpenAPI schema.

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • **kwargs – Any additional kwarg - will be set in the opt dictionary.