
Starlite supports extension through plugins, which allow for the following:

  1. Updating the Starlite application during the init process

  2. Serialization and deserialization of non-pydantic based 3rd party classes

  3. Automatic OpenAPI schema creation for 3rd party classes

Thus, plugins allow for a wide range of actions - from registering middleware to the parsing and validation of incoming data using non-pydantic classes. Additionally, they allow for seamless serialization and schema generation.

Creating Plugins#

A plugin is a class that implements the PluginProtocol.

If you wish to support the serialization and deserialization of none-pydantic classes, you need to implement the following methods specified by the:

from typing import Type, Any, Dict
from starlite import PluginProtocol
from pydantic import BaseModel

class MyClass:

class MyPlugin(PluginProtocol[MyClass]):
    The class for which we create a plugin. For example, could be a base ORM class such as "Model" or "Document" etc.


    def to_pydantic_model_class(
        self, model_class: Type[MyClass], **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Type[BaseModel]:
        Given a model_class, convert it to a subclass of the pydantic BaseModel

    def is_plugin_supported_type(value: Any) -> bool:
        Given a value of indeterminate type, determine if this value is supported by the plugin by returning a bool.

    def from_pydantic_model_instance(
        self, model_class: Type[MyClass], pydantic_model_instance: BaseModel
    ) -> MyClass:
        Given an instance of a pydantic model created using a plugin's ``to_pydantic_model_class``,
        return an instance of the class from which that pydantic model has been created.

        This class is passed in as the ``model_class`` kwarg.

    def to_dict(self, model_instance: MyClass) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Given an instance of a model supported by the plugin, return a dictionary of serializable values.

    def from_dict(self, model_class: Type[MyClass], **kwargs: Any) -> MyClass:
        Given a class supported by this plugin and a dict of values, create an instance of the class
from typing import Any
from starlite import PluginProtocol
from pydantic import BaseModel

class MyClass:

class MyPlugin(PluginProtocol[MyClass]):
    The class for which we create a plugin. For example, could be a base ORM class such as "Model" or "Document" etc.


    def to_pydantic_model_class(
        self, model_class: type[MyClass], **kwargs: Any
    ) -> type[BaseModel]:
        Given a model_class, convert it to a subclass of the pydantic BaseModel

    def is_plugin_supported_type(value: Any) -> bool:
        Given a value of indeterminate type, determine if this value is supported by the plugin by returning a bool.

    def from_pydantic_model_instance(
        self, model_class: type[MyClass], pydantic_model_instance: BaseModel
    ) -> MyClass:
        Given an instance of a pydantic model created using a plugin's ``to_pydantic_model_class``,
        return an instance of the class from which that pydantic model has been created.

        This class is passed in as the ``model_class`` kwarg.

    def to_dict(self, model_instance: MyClass) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Given an instance of a model supported by the plugin, return a dictionary of serializable values.

    def from_dict(self, model_class: type[MyClass], **kwargs: Any) -> MyClass:
        Given a class supported by this plugin and a dict of values, create an instance of the class

If you wish to register middlewares, guards, dependencies and so forth on the application init, you need to implement the on_app_init method:

from typing import Any
from starlite import PluginProtocol, Starlite, get

def my_handler() -> None:

class MyPlugin(PluginProtocol[Any]):
    def on_app_init(self, app: Starlite) -> None:
        # register a route handler

        # update attributes of the application before init is finished.
        app.after_request = ...
        app.after_response = ...
        app.before_request = ...
        app.response_class = ...