Security Backends#

AbstractSecurityConfig# includes an AbstractSecurityConfig class that serves as a basis for all the security backends offered by Starlite, and is also meant to be used as a basis for custom security backends created by users.

Session Auth Backend#

Starlite offers a builtin session auth backend that can be used out of the box with any of the session backends supported by the Starlite session middleware.

Using Session Auth#
from typing import Any, Dict, Literal, Optional
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr, SecretStr

from starlite import (
from starlite.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig
from import SessionAuth

# Let's assume we have a User model that is a pydantic model.
# This though is not required - we need some sort of user class -
# but it can be any arbitrary value, e.g. an SQLAlchemy model,
# a representation of a MongoDB  etc.
class User(BaseModel):
    id: UUID
    name: str
    email: EmailStr

# we also have pydantic types for two different
# kinds of POST request bodies: one for creating
# a user, e.g. "sign-up", and the other for logging
# an existing user in.
class UserCreatePayload(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: EmailStr
    password: SecretStr

class UserLoginPayload(BaseModel):
    email: EmailStr
    password: SecretStr

# The SessionAuth class requires a handler callable
# that takes the session dictionary, and returns the
# 'User' instance correlating to it.
# The session dictionary itself is a value the user decides
# upon. So for example, it might be a simple dictionary
# that holds a user id, for example: { "id": "abcd123" }
# Note: The callable can be either sync or async - both will work.
async def retrieve_user_handler(session: Dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> Optional[User]:
    # we retrieve the user instance based on session data
    value = await connection.cache.get(session.get("user_id", ""))
    if value:
        return User(**value)
    return None

async def login(data: UserLoginPayload, request: Request) -> User:
    # we received log-in data via post.
    # our login handler should retrieve from persistence (a db etc.)
    # the user data and verify that the login details
    # are correct. If we are using passwords, we should check that
    # the password hashes match etc. We will simply assume that we
    # have done all of that we now have a user value:
    user_id = await request.cache.get(

    if not user_id:
        raise NotAuthorizedException

    user_data = await request.cache.get(user_id)

    # once verified we can create a session.
    # to do this we simply need to call the Starlite
    # 'Request.set_session' method, which accepts either dictionaries
    # or pydantic models. In our case, we can simply record a
    # simple dictionary with the user ID value:
    request.set_session({"user_id": user_id})

    # you can do whatever we want here. In this case, we will simply return the user data:
    return User(**user_data)

async def signup(data: UserCreatePayload, request: Request) -> User:
    # this is similar to the login handler, except here we should
    # insert into persistence - after doing whatever extra
    # validation we might require. We will assume that this is done,
    # and we now have a user instance with an assigned ID value:
    user = User(,, id=uuid4())

    await request.cache.set(, str(
    await request.cache.set(str(, user.dict())
    # we are creating a session the same as we do in the
    # 'login_handler' above:
    request.set_session({"user_id": str(})

    # and again, you can add whatever logic is required here, we
    # will simply return the user:
    return user

# the endpoint below requires the user to be already authenticated
# to be able to access it.
def get_user(request: Request[User, Dict[Literal["user_id"], str]]) -> Any:
    # because this route requires authentication, we can access
    # `request.user`, which is the authenticated user returned
    # by the 'retrieve_user_handler' function we passed to SessionAuth.
    return request.user

# We add the session security schema to the OpenAPI config.
openapi_config = OpenAPIConfig(
    title="My API",

session_auth = SessionAuth[User](
    # we must pass a config for a session backend.
    # all session backends are supported
    # exclude any URLs that should not have authentication.
    # We exclude the documentation URLs, signup and login.
    exclude=["/login", "/signup", "/schema"],

# We initialize the app instance, passing to it the 'session_auth.on_app_init' and the 'openapi_config'.
app = Starlite(
    route_handlers=[login, signup, get_user],
Using Session Auth#
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr, SecretStr

from starlite import (
from starlite.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig
from import SessionAuth

# Let's assume we have a User model that is a pydantic model.
# This though is not required - we need some sort of user class -
# but it can be any arbitrary value, e.g. an SQLAlchemy model,
# a representation of a MongoDB  etc.
class User(BaseModel):
    id: UUID
    name: str
    email: EmailStr

# we also have pydantic types for two different
# kinds of POST request bodies: one for creating
# a user, e.g. "sign-up", and the other for logging
# an existing user in.
class UserCreatePayload(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: EmailStr
    password: SecretStr

class UserLoginPayload(BaseModel):
    email: EmailStr
    password: SecretStr

# The SessionAuth class requires a handler callable
# that takes the session dictionary, and returns the
# 'User' instance correlating to it.
# The session dictionary itself is a value the user decides
# upon. So for example, it might be a simple dictionary
# that holds a user id, for example: { "id": "abcd123" }
# Note: The callable can be either sync or async - both will work.
async def retrieve_user_handler(session: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> Optional[User]:
    # we retrieve the user instance based on session data
    value = await connection.cache.get(session.get("user_id", ""))
    if value:
        return User(**value)
    return None

async def login(data: UserLoginPayload, request: Request) -> User:
    # we received log-in data via post.
    # our login handler should retrieve from persistence (a db etc.)
    # the user data and verify that the login details
    # are correct. If we are using passwords, we should check that
    # the password hashes match etc. We will simply assume that we
    # have done all of that we now have a user value:
    user_id = await request.cache.get(

    if not user_id:
        raise NotAuthorizedException

    user_data = await request.cache.get(user_id)

    # once verified we can create a session.
    # to do this we simply need to call the Starlite
    # 'Request.set_session' method, which accepts either dictionaries
    # or pydantic models. In our case, we can simply record a
    # simple dictionary with the user ID value:
    request.set_session({"user_id": user_id})

    # you can do whatever we want here. In this case, we will simply return the user data:
    return User(**user_data)

async def signup(data: UserCreatePayload, request: Request) -> User:
    # this is similar to the login handler, except here we should
    # insert into persistence - after doing whatever extra
    # validation we might require. We will assume that this is done,
    # and we now have a user instance with an assigned ID value:
    user = User(,, id=uuid4())

    await request.cache.set(, str(
    await request.cache.set(str(, user.dict())
    # we are creating a session the same as we do in the
    # 'login_handler' above:
    request.set_session({"user_id": str(})

    # and again, you can add whatever logic is required here, we
    # will simply return the user:
    return user

# the endpoint below requires the user to be already authenticated
# to be able to access it.
def get_user(request: Request[User, dict[Literal["user_id"], str]]) -> Any:
    # because this route requires authentication, we can access
    # `request.user`, which is the authenticated user returned
    # by the 'retrieve_user_handler' function we passed to SessionAuth.
    return request.user

# We add the session security schema to the OpenAPI config.
openapi_config = OpenAPIConfig(
    title="My API",

session_auth = SessionAuth[User](
    # we must pass a config for a session backend.
    # all session backends are supported
    # exclude any URLs that should not have authentication.
    # We exclude the documentation URLs, signup and login.
    exclude=["/login", "/signup", "/schema"],

# We initialize the app instance, passing to it the 'session_auth.on_app_init' and the 'openapi_config'.
app = Starlite(
    route_handlers=[login, signup, get_user],
Using Session Auth#
from typing import Any, Literal
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr, SecretStr

from starlite import (
from starlite.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig
from import SessionAuth

# Let's assume we have a User model that is a pydantic model.
# This though is not required - we need some sort of user class -
# but it can be any arbitrary value, e.g. an SQLAlchemy model,
# a representation of a MongoDB  etc.
class User(BaseModel):
    id: UUID
    name: str
    email: EmailStr

# we also have pydantic types for two different
# kinds of POST request bodies: one for creating
# a user, e.g. "sign-up", and the other for logging
# an existing user in.
class UserCreatePayload(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: EmailStr
    password: SecretStr

class UserLoginPayload(BaseModel):
    email: EmailStr
    password: SecretStr

# The SessionAuth class requires a handler callable
# that takes the session dictionary, and returns the
# 'User' instance correlating to it.
# The session dictionary itself is a value the user decides
# upon. So for example, it might be a simple dictionary
# that holds a user id, for example: { "id": "abcd123" }
# Note: The callable can be either sync or async - both will work.
async def retrieve_user_handler(session: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> User | None:
    # we retrieve the user instance based on session data
    value = await connection.cache.get(session.get("user_id", ""))
    if value:
        return User(**value)
    return None

async def login(data: UserLoginPayload, request: Request) -> User:
    # we received log-in data via post.
    # our login handler should retrieve from persistence (a db etc.)
    # the user data and verify that the login details
    # are correct. If we are using passwords, we should check that
    # the password hashes match etc. We will simply assume that we
    # have done all of that we now have a user value:
    user_id = await request.cache.get(

    if not user_id:
        raise NotAuthorizedException

    user_data = await request.cache.get(user_id)

    # once verified we can create a session.
    # to do this we simply need to call the Starlite
    # 'Request.set_session' method, which accepts either dictionaries
    # or pydantic models. In our case, we can simply record a
    # simple dictionary with the user ID value:
    request.set_session({"user_id": user_id})

    # you can do whatever we want here. In this case, we will simply return the user data:
    return User(**user_data)

async def signup(data: UserCreatePayload, request: Request) -> User:
    # this is similar to the login handler, except here we should
    # insert into persistence - after doing whatever extra
    # validation we might require. We will assume that this is done,
    # and we now have a user instance with an assigned ID value:
    user = User(,, id=uuid4())

    await request.cache.set(, str(
    await request.cache.set(str(, user.dict())
    # we are creating a session the same as we do in the
    # 'login_handler' above:
    request.set_session({"user_id": str(})

    # and again, you can add whatever logic is required here, we
    # will simply return the user:
    return user

# the endpoint below requires the user to be already authenticated
# to be able to access it.
def get_user(request: Request[User, dict[Literal["user_id"], str]]) -> Any:
    # because this route requires authentication, we can access
    # `request.user`, which is the authenticated user returned
    # by the 'retrieve_user_handler' function we passed to SessionAuth.
    return request.user

# We add the session security schema to the OpenAPI config.
openapi_config = OpenAPIConfig(
    title="My API",

session_auth = SessionAuth[User](
    # we must pass a config for a session backend.
    # all session backends are supported
    # exclude any URLs that should not have authentication.
    # We exclude the documentation URLs, signup and login.
    exclude=["/login", "/signup", "/schema"],

# We initialize the app instance, passing to it the 'session_auth.on_app_init' and the 'openapi_config'.
app = Starlite(
    route_handlers=[login, signup, get_user],

JWT Auth#

Starlite also includes several JWT security backends under the contrib package, checkout the jwt contrib documentation for more details.