
class starlite.datastructures.url.Address#

Bases: NamedTuple

Just a network address.

host: str#

Address host.

port: int#

Address port.

static __new__(_cls, host: str, port: int)#

Create new instance of Address(host, port)

starlite.datastructures.url.make_absolute_url(path: Union[str, URL], base: Union[str, URL]) str#

Create an absolute URL.

  • path – URL path to make absolute

  • base – URL to use as a base


A string representing the new, absolute URL

class starlite.datastructures.url.URL#

Bases: object

Representation and modification utilities of a URL.

scheme: str#

URL scheme.

netloc: str#

Network location.

path: str#

Hierarchical path.

fragment: str#

Fragment component.

query: str#

Query string.

username: Optional[str]#

Username if specified.

password: Optional[str]#

Password if specified.

port: Optional[int]#

Port if specified.

hostname: Optional[str]#

Hostname if specified.

__new__(url: Union[str, SplitResult]) URL#

Create a new instance.


url – url string or split result to represent.

classmethod from_components(scheme: str = '', netloc: str = '', path: str = '', fragment: str = '', query: str = '') URL#

Create a new URL from components.

  • scheme – URL scheme

  • netloc – Network location

  • path – Hierarchical path

  • query – Query component

  • fragment – Fragment identifier


A new URL with the given components

classmethod from_scope(scope: Scope) URL#

Construct a URL from a Scope


scope – A scope



with_replacements(scheme: str = '', netloc: str = '', path: str = '', query: Optional[Union[str, MultiDict]] = None, fragment: str = '') URL#

Create a new URL, replacing the given components.

  • scheme – URL scheme

  • netloc – Network location

  • path – Hierarchical path

  • query – Raw query string

  • fragment – Fragment identifier


A new URL with the given components replaced

property query_params: MultiDict#

Query parameters of a URL as a MultiDict


A MultiDict with query parameters


  • The returned MultiDict is mutable, URL itself is immutable,

    therefore mutating the query parameters will not directly mutate the URL. If you want to modify query parameters, make modifications in the multidict and pass them back to with_replacements()