Route handlers#

Route handlers are the core of Starlite. They are constructed by decorating a function or class method with one of the handler decorators exported from Starlite.

For example:

from starlite import MediaType, get

@get("/", media_type=MediaType.TEXT)
def greet() -> str:
    return "hello world"

In the above example, the decorator includes all the information required to define the endpoint operation for the combination of the path "/" and the http verb GET. In this case it will be a http response with a “Content-Type” header of text/plain.

What the decorator does, is wrap the function or method within a class instance that inherits from BaseRouteHandler. These classes are optimized descriptor classes that record all the data necessary for the given function or method - this includes a modelling of the function signature, which allows for injection of kwargs and dependencies, as well as data pertinent to OpenAPI spec generation.

Declaring path(s)#

All route handler decorator accept an optional path argument. This argument can be declared as a kwarg using the path key word:

from starlite import get

def my_route_handler() -> None:

It can also be passed as an argument without the key-word:

from starlite import get

def my_route_handler() -> None:

And the value for this argument can be either a string path, as in the above examples, or a list of string paths:

from starlite import get

@get(["/some-path", "/some-other-path"])
def my_route_handler() -> None:

This is particularly useful when you want to have optional path parameters:

from starlite import get

    ["/some-path", "/some-path/{some_id:int}"],
def my_route_handler(some_id: int = 1) -> None:

Handler function kwargs#

Route handler functions or methods access various data by declaring these as annotated function kwargs. The annotated kwargs are inspected by Starlite and then injected into the request handler.

The following sources can be accessed using annotated function kwargs:

Additionally, you can specify the following special kwargs, what’s called “reserved keywords” internally:

  • cookies: injects the request cookies as a parsed dictionary.

  • headers: injects the request headers as an instance of Headers , which is a case-insensitive mapping.

  • query : injects the request query_params as a parsed dictionary.

  • request: injects the Request instance. Available only for http route handlers

  • scope : injects the ASGI scope dictionary.

  • socket: injects the WebSocket instance. Available only for websocket route handlers

  • state : injects a copy of the application State.

  • body : the raw request body. Available only for http route handlers

For example:

from typing import Any, Dict
from starlite import State, Request, get
from starlite.datastructures import Headers

def my_request_handler(
    state: State,
    request: Request,
    headers: Headers,
    query: Dict[str, Any],
    cookies: Dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
from typing import Any
from starlite import State, Request, get
from starlite.datastructures import Headers

def my_request_handler(
    state: State,
    request: Request,
    headers: Headers,
    query: dict[str, Any],
    cookies: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:


You can define a custom typing for your application state and then use it as a type instead of just using the State class from Starlite

Handler function type annotations#

Starlite enforces strict type annotations. Functions decorated by a route handler must have all their kwargs and return value type annotated. If a type annotation is missing, an ImproperlyConfiguredException will be raised during the application boot-up process.

There are several reasons for why this limitation is enforced:

  1. to ensure best practices

  2. to ensure consistent OpenAPI schema generation

  3. to allow Starlite to compute during the application bootstrap all the kwargs required by a function

HTTP route handlers#

The most commonly used route handlers are those that handle http requests and responses. These route handlers all inherit from the class HTTPRouteHandler, which is aliased as the decorator called route:

from starlite import HttpMethod, route

@route(path="/some-path", http_method=[HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST])
def my_endpoint() -> None:

As mentioned above, route does is merely an alias for HTTPRouteHandler, thus the below code is equivalent to the one above:

from starlite import HttpMethod, HTTPRouteHandler

@HTTPRouteHandler(path="/some-path", http_method=[HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST])
def my_endpoint() -> None:

HTTP route handlers kwargs#

The route decorator requires an http_method kwarg, which is a member of the HttpMethod enum or a list of members, e.g. HttpMethod.GET or [HttpMethod.PATCH, HttpMethod.PUT].

Semantic handler decorators#

Starlite also includes “semantic” decorators, that is, decorators the pre-set the http_method kwarg to a specific HTTP verb, which correlates with their name:

  • delete

  • get

  • head

  • patch

  • post

  • put

These are used exactly like route with the sole exception that you cannot configure the http_method kwarg:

from starlite import Partial, delete, get, patch, post, put, head
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Resource(BaseModel):

def list_resources() -> list[Resource]:

def create_resource(data: Resource) -> Resource:

def retrieve_resource(pk: int) -> Resource:

def retrieve_resource_head(pk: int) -> None:

def update_resource(data: Resource, pk: int) -> Resource:

def partially_update_resource(data: Partial[Resource], pk: int) -> Resource:

def delete_resource(pk: int) -> None:

Although these decorators are merely subclasses of HTTPRouteHandler that pre-set the http_method, using get, patch, put, delete or post instead of route makes the code clearer and simpler.

Furthermore, in the OpenAPI specification each unique combination of http verb (e.g. “GET”, “POST” etc.) and path is regarded as a distinct operation, and each operation should be distinguished by a unique operationId and optimally also have a summary and description sections.

As such, using the route decorator is discouraged. Instead, the preferred pattern is to share code using secondary class methods or by abstracting code to reusable functions.

Using sync handler functions#

You can use both sync and async functions as the base for route handler functions, but which should you use? and when?

If your route handler needs to perform an I/O operation (read or write data from or to a service / db etc.), the most performant solution within the scope of an ASGI application, including Starlite, is going to be by using an async solution for this purpose.

The reason for this is that async code, if written correctly, is non-blocking. That is, async code can be paused and resumed, and it therefore does not interrupt the main event loop from executing (if written correctly). On the other hand, sync I/O handling is often blocking, and if you use such code in your function it can create performance issues.

In this case you should use the sync_to_thread option. What this does, is tell Starlite to run the sync function in a separate async thread, where it can block but will not interrupt the main event loop’s execution.

The problem with this though is that this will slow down the execution of your sync code quite dramatically - by between %40-60%. So this is really quite far from performant. Thus, you should use this option only when your sync code performs blocking I/O operations. If your sync code simply performs simple tasks, non-expensive calculations, etc. you should not use the sync_to_thread option.

Websocket route handlers#

Starlite supports Websockets via the websocket decorator:

from starlite import WebSocket, websocket

async def my_websocket_handler(socket: WebSocket) -> None:
    await socket.accept()
    await socket.send_json({...})
    await socket.close()

Thewebsocket decorator is an alias of the class WebsocketRouteHandler. Thus, the below code is equivalent to the one above:

from starlite import WebSocket, WebsocketRouteHandler

async def my_websocket_handler(socket: WebSocket) -> None:
    await socket.accept()
    await socket.send_json({...})
    await socket.close()

In difference to HTTP routes handlers, websocket handlers have the following requirements:

  1. they must declare a socket kwarg.

  2. they must have a return annotation of None.

  3. they must be async functions.

These requirements are enforced using inspection, and if any of them is unfulfilled an informative exception will be raised.


OpenAPI currently does not support websockets. As such no schema will be generated for these route handlers.

See the API Reference for full details on the websocket decorator and the kwargs it accepts.

ASGI route handlers#

If you need to write your own ASGI application, you can do so using the asgi decorator:

from starlite.types import Scope, Receive, Send
from starlite.status_codes import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
from starlite import Response, asgi

async def my_asgi_app(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
    if scope["type"] == "http":
        if scope["method"] == "GET":
            response = Response({"hello": "world"})
            await response(scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send)
    response = Response(
        {"detail": "unsupported request"}, status_code=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    await response(scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send)

Like other route handlers, the asgi decorator is an alias of the class ASGIRouteHandler. Thus, the code below is equivalent to the one above:

from starlite.types import Scope, Receive, Send
from starlite.status_codes import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
from starlite import ASGIRouteHandler, Response

async def my_asgi_app(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
    if scope["type"] == "http":
        if scope["method"] == "GET":
            response = Response({"hello": "world"})
            await response(scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send)
    response = Response(
        {"detail": "unsupported request"}, status_code=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    await response(scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send)

Limitations of ASGI route handlers#

In difference to the other route handlers, the asgi route handler accepts only 3 kwargs that must be defined:

  • scope , a mapping of values describing the ASGI connection. It always includes a type key, with the values being either http or websocket , and a path key. If the type is http , the scope dictionary will also include a method key with the value being one of DELETE, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, HEAD.

  • receive , an injected function by which the ASGI application receives messages.

  • send , an injected function by which the ASGI application sends messages.

You can read more about these in the ASGI specification.

Additionally, ASGI route handler functions must be async functions. This is enforced using inspection, and if the function is not an async function, an informative exception will be raised.

See the API Reference for full details on the asgi decorator and the kwargs it accepts.

Route handler indexing#

You can provide in all route handler decorators a name kwarg. The value for this kwarg must be unique, otherwise ImproperlyConfiguredException exception will be raised. Default value for name is value returned by handler.__str__ which should be the full dotted path to the handler (e.g. app.controllers.projects.list for list function residing in app/controllers/ file). name can be used to dynamically retrieve (i.e. during runtime) a mapping containing the route handler instance and paths, also it can be used to build a URL path for that handler:

from starlite import Starlite, Request, Redirect, NotFoundException, get

@get("/abc", name="one")
def handler_one() -> None:

@get("/xyz", name="two")
def handler_two() -> None:

@get("/def/{param:int}", name="three")
def handler_three(param: int) -> None:

@get("/{handler_name:str}", name="four")
def handler_four(request: Request, name: str) -> Redirect:
    handler_index =
    if not handler_index:
        raise NotFoundException(f"no handler matching the name {name} was found")

    # handler_index == { "paths": ["/"], "handler": ..., "qualname": ... }
    # do something with the handler index below, e.g. send a redirect response to the handler, or access
    # handler.opt and some values stored there etc.

    return Redirect(path=handler_index[0])

@get("/redirect/{param_value:int}", name="five")
def handler_five(request: Request, param_value: int) -> Redirect:
    path ="three", param=param_value)
    return Redirect(path=path)

app = Starlite(route_handlers=[handler_one, handler_two, handler_three])

route_reverse will raise NoMatchRouteFoundException if route with given name was not found or if any of path parameters is missing or if any of passed path parameters types do not match types in the respective route declaration. However, str is accepted in place of datetime.datetime,, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta, float, and pathlib.Path parameters, so you can apply custom formatting and pass the result to route_reverse.

If handler has multiple paths attached to it route_reverse will return the path that consumes the most number of keywords arguments passed to the function.

from starlite import get, Request

    ["/some-path", "/some-path/{id:int}", "/some-path/{id:int}/{val:str}"],
def handler(id: int = 1, val: str = "default") -> None:

def path_info(request: Request) -> str:
    path_optional ="handler_name")
    # /some-path`

    path_partial ="handler_name", id=100)
    # /some-path/100

    path_full ="handler_name", id=100, val="value")
    # /some-path/100/value`

    return f"{path_optional} {path_partial} {path_full}"

If there are multiple paths attached to a handler that have the same path parameters (for example indexed handler has been registered on multiple routers) the result of route_reverse is not defined. The function will return a formatted path, but it might be picked randomly so reversing urls in such cases is highly discouraged.

If you have access to request instance you can make reverse lookups using url_for function which is similar to route_reverse but returns absolute URL.

Handler opts#

All route handler decorators accept a key called opt which accepts a dictionary of arbitrary values, e.g.

from starlite import get

@get("/", opt={"my_key": "some-value"})
def handler() -> None:

This dictionary can be accessed by a route guard, or by accessing the route_handler property on a request, or using the ASGI scope object directly.

Passing keyword arguments to handlers#

Building on opts , you can pass any arbitrary kwarg to the route handler decorator, and it will be automatically set as a key in the opt dictionary:

from starlite import get

@get("/", my_key="some-value")
def handler() -> None:

assert handler.opt["my_key"] == "some-value"

You can specify the opt dictionary at all levels of your application. On specific route handlers, on a controller, a router, and even on the app instance itself.

The resulting dictionary is constructed by merging opt dictionaries of all levels. If multiple layers define the same key, the value from the closest layer to the response handler will take precedence.