
class litestar.testing.AsyncTestClient#

Bases: AsyncClient, BaseTestClient, Generic[T]

lifespan_handler: LifeSpanHandler[Any]#
exit_stack: AsyncExitStack#
__init__(app: T, base_url: str = 'http://testserver.local', raise_server_exceptions: bool = True, root_path: str = '', backend: AnyIOBackend = 'asyncio', backend_options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, session_config: BaseBackendConfig | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) None#

An Async client implementation providing a context manager for testing applications asynchronously.

  • app – The instance of Litestar under test.

  • base_url – URL scheme and domain for test request paths, e.g. http://testserver.

  • raise_server_exceptions – Flag for the underlying test client to raise server exceptions instead of wrapping them in an HTTP response.

  • root_path – Path prefix for requests.

  • backend – The async backend to use, options are “asyncio” or “trio”.

  • backend_options – ‘anyio’ options.

  • session_config – Configuration for Session Middleware class to create raw session cookies for request to the route handlers.

  • timeout – Request timeout

  • cookies – Cookies to set on the client.

async websocket_connect(url: str, subprotocols: Sequence[str] | None = None, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None, auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = <httpx._client.UseClientDefault object>, follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = <httpx._client.UseClientDefault object>, timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = <httpx._client.UseClientDefault object>, extensions: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None) WebSocketTestSession#

Sends a GET request to establish a websocket connection.

  • url – Request URL.

  • subprotocols – Websocket subprotocols.

  • params – Query parameters.

  • headers – Request headers.

  • cookies – Request cookies.

  • auth – Auth headers.

  • follow_redirects – Whether to follow redirects.

  • timeout – Request timeout.

  • extensions – Dictionary of ASGI extensions.


A WebSocketTestSession <litestar.testing.WebSocketTestSession> instance.

async get_session_data() dict[str, Any]#

Get session data.


A dictionary containing session data.


from litestar import Litestar, post
from litestar.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig

session_config = MemoryBackendConfig()

def set_session_data(request: Request) -> None:
    request.session["foo"] == "bar"

app = Litestar(
    route_handlers=[set_session_data], middleware=[session_config.middleware]

async with AsyncTestClient(app=app, session_config=session_config) as client:
    await client.post("/test")
    assert await client.get_session_data() == {"foo": "bar"}
async set_session_data(data: dict[str, Any]) None#

Set session data.


data – Session data




from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig

session_config = MemoryBackendConfig()

def get_session_data(request: Request) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return request.session

app = Litestar(
    route_handlers=[get_session_data], middleware=[session_config.middleware]

async with AsyncTestClient(app=app, session_config=session_config) as client:
    await client.set_session_data({"foo": "bar"})
    assert await client.get("/test").json() == {"foo": "bar"}
class litestar.testing.BaseTestClient#

Bases: Generic[T]

blocking_portal: BlockingPortal#
__init__(app: T, base_url: str = 'http://testserver.local', backend: AnyIOBackend = 'asyncio', backend_options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, session_config: BaseBackendConfig | None = None, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) None#
property session_backend: BaseSessionBackend[Any]#
portal() Generator[BlockingPortal, None, None]#

Get a BlockingPortal.


A contextmanager for a BlockingPortal.

class litestar.testing.RequestFactory#

Bases: object

Factory to create Request instances.

__init__(app: Litestar | None = None, server: str = 'test.org', port: int = 3000, root_path: str = '', scheme: str = 'http', handler_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None) None#

Initialize RequestFactory

  • app – An instance of Litestar to set as request.scope["litestar_app"].

  • server – The server’s domain.

  • port – The server’s port.

  • root_path – Root path for the server.

  • scheme – Scheme for the server.

  • handler_kwargs – Kwargs to pass to the route handler created for the request


from litestar import Litestar
from litestar.enums import RequestEncodingType
from litestar.testing import RequestFactory

from tests import PersonFactory

my_app = Litestar(route_handlers=[])
my_server = "litestar.org"

# Create a GET request
query_params = {"id": 1}
get_user_request = RequestFactory(app=my_app, server=my_server).get(
    "/person", query_params=query_params

# Create a POST request
new_person = PersonFactory.build()
create_user_request = RequestFactory(app=my_app, server=my_server).post(
    "/person", data=person

# Create a request with a special header
headers = {"header1": "value1"}
request_with_header = RequestFactory(app=my_app, server=my_server).get(
    "/person", query_params=query_params, headers=headers

# Create a request with a media type
request_with_media_type = RequestFactory(app=my_app, server=my_server).post(
    "/person", data=person, request_media_type=RequestEncodingType.MULTI_PART
get(path: str = '/', headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, cookies: list[Cookie] | str | None = None, session: dict[str, Any] | None = None, user: Any = None, auth: Any = None, query_params: dict[str, str | list[str]] | None = None, state: dict[str, Any] | None = None, path_params: dict[str, str] | None = None, http_version: str | None = '1.1', route_handler: RouteHandlerType | None = None) Request[Any, Any, Any]#

Create a GET Request instance.

  • path – The request’s path.

  • headers – A dictionary of headers.

  • cookies – A string representing the cookie header or a list of “Cookie” instances. This value can include multiple cookies.

  • session – A dictionary of session data.

  • user – A value for request.scope[“user”].

  • auth – A value for request.scope[“auth”].

  • query_params – A dictionary of values from which the request’s query will be generated.

  • state – Arbitrary request state.

  • path_params – A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.

  • http_version – HTTP version. Defaults to “1.1”.

  • route_handler – A route handler instance or method. If not provided a default handler is set.


A Request instance

post(path: str = '/', headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, cookies: list[Cookie] | str | None = None, session: dict[str, Any] | None = None, user: Any = None, auth: Any = None, request_media_type: RequestEncodingType = RequestEncodingType.JSON, data: dict[str, Any] | DataContainerType | None = None, query_params: dict[str, str | list[str]] | None = None, state: dict[str, Any] | None = None, path_params: dict[str, str] | None = None, http_version: str | None = '1.1', route_handler: RouteHandlerType | None = None) Request[Any, Any, Any]#

Create a POST Request instance.

  • path – The request’s path.

  • headers – A dictionary of headers.

  • cookies – A string representing the cookie header or a list of “Cookie” instances. This value can include multiple cookies.

  • session – A dictionary of session data.

  • user – A value for request.scope[“user”].

  • auth – A value for request.scope[“auth”].

  • request_media_type – The ‘Content-Type’ header of the request.

  • data – A value for the request’s body. Can be any supported serializable type.

  • query_params – A dictionary of values from which the request’s query will be generated.

  • state – Arbitrary request state.

  • path_params – A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.

  • http_version – HTTP version. Defaults to “1.1”.

  • route_handler – A route handler instance or method. If not provided a default handler is set.


A Request instance

put(path: str = '/', headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, cookies: list[Cookie] | str | None = None, session: dict[str, Any] | None = None, user: Any = None, auth: Any = None, request_media_type: RequestEncodingType = RequestEncodingType.JSON, data: dict[str, Any] | DataContainerType | None = None, query_params: dict[str, str | list[str]] | None = None, state: dict[str, Any] | None = None, path_params: dict[str, str] | None = None, http_version: str | None = '1.1', route_handler: RouteHandlerType | None = None) Request[Any, Any, Any]#

Create a PUT Request instance.

  • path – The request’s path.

  • headers – A dictionary of headers.

  • cookies – A string representing the cookie header or a list of “Cookie” instances. This value can include multiple cookies.

  • session – A dictionary of session data.

  • user – A value for request.scope[“user”].

  • auth – A value for request.scope[“auth”].

  • request_media_type – The ‘Content-Type’ header of the request.

  • data – A value for the request’s body. Can be any supported serializable type.

  • query_params – A dictionary of values from which the request’s query will be generated.

  • state – Arbitrary request state.

  • path_params – A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.

  • http_version – HTTP version. Defaults to “1.1”.

  • route_handler – A route handler instance or method. If not provided a default handler is set.


A Request instance

patch(path: str = '/', headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, cookies: list[Cookie] | str | None = None, session: dict[str, Any] | None = None, user: Any = None, auth: Any = None, request_media_type: RequestEncodingType = RequestEncodingType.JSON, data: dict[str, Any] | DataContainerType | None = None, query_params: dict[str, str | list[str]] | None = None, state: dict[str, Any] | None = None, path_params: dict[str, str] | None = None, http_version: str | None = '1.1', route_handler: RouteHandlerType | None = None) Request[Any, Any, Any]#

Create a PATCH Request instance.

  • path – The request’s path.

  • headers – A dictionary of headers.

  • cookies – A string representing the cookie header or a list of “Cookie” instances. This value can include multiple cookies.

  • session – A dictionary of session data.

  • user – A value for request.scope[“user”].

  • auth – A value for request.scope[“auth”].

  • request_media_type – The ‘Content-Type’ header of the request.

  • data – A value for the request’s body. Can be any supported serializable type.

  • query_params – A dictionary of values from which the request’s query will be generated.

  • state – Arbitrary request state.

  • path_params – A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.

  • http_version – HTTP version. Defaults to “1.1”.

  • route_handler – A route handler instance or method. If not provided a default handler is set.


A Request instance

delete(path: str = '/', headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, cookies: list[Cookie] | str | None = None, session: dict[str, Any] | None = None, user: Any = None, auth: Any = None, query_params: dict[str, str | list[str]] | None = None, state: dict[str, Any] | None = None, path_params: dict[str, str] | None = None, http_version: str | None = '1.1', route_handler: RouteHandlerType | None = None) Request[Any, Any, Any]#

Create a POST Request instance.

  • path – The request’s path.

  • headers – A dictionary of headers.

  • cookies – A string representing the cookie header or a list of “Cookie” instances. This value can include multiple cookies.

  • session – A dictionary of session data.

  • user – A value for request.scope[“user”].

  • auth – A value for request.scope[“auth”].

  • query_params – A dictionary of values from which the request’s query will be generated.

  • state – Arbitrary request state.

  • path_params – A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.

  • http_version – HTTP version. Defaults to “1.1”.

  • route_handler – A route handler instance or method. If not provided a default handler is set.


A Request instance

class litestar.testing.TestClient#

Bases: Client, BaseTestClient, Generic[T]

lifespan_handler: LifeSpanHandler[Any]#
exit_stack: ExitStack#
__init__(app: T, base_url: str = 'http://testserver.local', raise_server_exceptions: bool = True, root_path: str = '', backend: AnyIOBackend = 'asyncio', backend_options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, session_config: BaseBackendConfig | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) None#

A client implementation providing a context manager for testing applications.

  • app – The instance of Litestar under test.

  • base_url – URL scheme and domain for test request paths, e.g. http://testserver.

  • raise_server_exceptions – Flag for the underlying test client to raise server exceptions instead of wrapping them in an HTTP response.

  • root_path – Path prefix for requests.

  • backend – The async backend to use, options are “asyncio” or “trio”.

  • backend_optionsanyio options.

  • session_config – Configuration for Session Middleware class to create raw session cookies for request to the route handlers.

  • timeout – Request timeout

  • cookies – Cookies to set on the client.

websocket_connect(url: str, subprotocols: Sequence[str] | None = None, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None, auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = <httpx._client.UseClientDefault object>, follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = <httpx._client.UseClientDefault object>, timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = <httpx._client.UseClientDefault object>, extensions: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None) WebSocketTestSession#

Sends a GET request to establish a websocket connection.

  • url – Request URL.

  • subprotocols – Websocket subprotocols.

  • params – Query parameters.

  • headers – Request headers.

  • cookies – Request cookies.

  • auth – Auth headers.

  • follow_redirects – Whether to follow redirects.

  • timeout – Request timeout.

  • extensions – Dictionary of ASGI extensions.


A WebSocketTestSession <litestar.testing.WebSocketTestSession> instance.

set_session_data(data: dict[str, Any]) None#

Set session data.


data – Session data




from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig

session_config = MemoryBackendConfig()

def get_session_data(request: Request) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return request.session

app = Litestar(
    route_handlers=[get_session_data], middleware=[session_config.middleware]

with TestClient(app=app, session_config=session_config) as client:
    client.set_session_data({"foo": "bar"})
    assert client.get("/test").json() == {"foo": "bar"}
get_session_data() dict[str, Any]#

Get session data.


A dictionary containing session data.


from litestar import Litestar, post
from litestar.middleware.session.memory_backend import MemoryBackendConfig

session_config = MemoryBackendConfig()

def set_session_data(request: Request) -> None:
    request.session["foo"] == "bar"

app = Litestar(
    route_handlers=[set_session_data], middleware=[session_config.middleware]

with TestClient(app=app, session_config=session_config) as client:
    assert client.get_session_data() == {"foo": "bar"}
class litestar.testing.WebSocketTestSession#

Bases: object

exit_stack: ExitStack#
__init__(client: TestClient[Any], scope: WebSocketScope) None#
async do_asgi_call() None#

The sub-thread in which the websocket session runs.

send(data: str | bytes, mode: Literal['text', 'binary'] = 'text', encoding: str = 'utf-8') None#

Sends a “receive” event. This is the inverse of the ASGI send method.

  • data – Either a string or a byte string.

  • mode – The key to use - text or bytes

  • encoding – The encoding to use when encoding or decoding data.



send_text(data: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8') None#

Sends the data using the text key.

  • data – Data to send.

  • encoding – Encoding to use.



send_bytes(data: bytes, encoding: str = 'utf-8') None#

Sends the data using the bytes key.

  • data – Data to send.

  • encoding – Encoding to use.



send_json(data: Any, mode: Literal['text', 'binary'] = 'text') None#

Sends the given data as JSON.

  • data – The data to send.

  • mode – Either text or binary



send_msgpack(data: Any) None#

Sends the given data as MessagePack.


data – The data to send.



close(code: int = 1000) None#

Sends an ‘websocket.disconnect’ event.


code – status code for closing the connection.



receive(block: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) WebSocketSendMessage#

This is the base receive method.

  • block – Block until a message is received

  • timeout – If block is True, block at most timeout seconds


  • you can use one of the other receive methods to extract the data from the message.


A websocket message.

receive_text(block: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) str#

Receive data in text mode and return a string

  • block – Block until a message is received

  • timeout – If block is True, block at most timeout seconds


A string value.

receive_bytes(block: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) bytes#

Receive data in binary mode and return bytes

  • block – Block until a message is received

  • timeout – If block is True, block at most timeout seconds


A string value.

receive_json(mode: Literal['text', 'binary'] = 'text', block: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Any#

Receive data in either text or binary mode and decode it as JSON.

  • mode – Either text or binary

  • block – Block until a message is received

  • timeout – If block is True, block at most timeout seconds


An arbitrary value

receive_msgpack(block: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) Any#
litestar.testing.create_async_test_client(route_handlers: ControllerRouterHandler | Sequence[ControllerRouterHandler] | None = None, *, after_exception: Sequence[AfterExceptionHookHandler] | None = None, after_request: AfterRequestHookHandler | None = None, after_response: AfterResponseHookHandler | None = None, allowed_hosts: Sequence[str] | AllowedHostsConfig | None = None, backend: Literal['asyncio', 'trio'] = 'asyncio', backend_options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, base_url: str = 'http://testserver.local', before_request: BeforeRequestHookHandler | None = None, before_send: Sequence[BeforeMessageSendHookHandler] | None = None, cache_control: CacheControlHeader | None = None, compression_config: CompressionConfig | None = None, cors_config: CORSConfig | None = None, csrf_config: CSRFConfig | None = None, debug: bool = True, dependencies: Dependencies | None = None, dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, etag: ETag | None = None, event_emitter_backend: type[BaseEventEmitterBackend] = <class 'litestar.events.emitter.SimpleEventEmitter'>, exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap | None = None, guards: Sequence[Guard] | None = None, include_in_schema: bool | EmptyType = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, lifespan: list[Callable[[Litestar], AbstractAsyncContextManager] | AbstractAsyncContextManager] | None = None, listeners: Sequence[EventListener] | None = None, logging_config: BaseLoggingConfig | EmptyType | None = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, middleware: Sequence[Middleware] | None = None, multipart_form_part_limit: int = 1000, on_app_init: Sequence[OnAppInitHandler] | None = None, on_shutdown: Sequence[LifespanHook] | None = None, on_startup: Sequence[LifespanHook] | None = None, openapi_config: OpenAPIConfig | None = OpenAPIConfig(title='Litestar API', version='1.0.0', create_examples=False, random_seed=10, contact=None, description=None, external_docs=None, license=None, security=None, components=Components(schemas={}, responses=None, parameters=None, examples=None, request_bodies=None, headers=None, security_schemes=None, links=None, callbacks=None, path_items=None), servers=[Server(url='/', description=None, variables=None)], summary=None, tags=None, terms_of_service=None, use_handler_docstrings=False, webhooks=None, operation_id_creator=<function default_operation_id_creator>, path=None, render_plugins=[<litestar.openapi.plugins.YamlRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.YamlRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.JsonRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.RapidocRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.SwaggerRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.StoplightRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.RedocRenderPlugin object>], openapi_router=None, openapi_controller=None, root_schema_site='redoc', enabled_endpoints={'oauth2-redirect.html', 'openapi.yml', 'openapi.yaml', 'openapi.json', 'rapidoc', 'swagger', 'elements', 'redoc'}), opt: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, parameters: ParametersMap | None = None, pdb_on_exception: bool | None = None, path: str | None = None, plugins: Sequence[PluginProtocol] | None = None, raise_server_exceptions: bool = True, request_class: type[Request] | None = None, response_cache_config: ResponseCacheConfig | None = None, response_class: type[Response] | None = None, response_cookies: ResponseCookies | None = None, response_headers: ResponseHeaders | None = None, return_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, root_path: str = '', security: Sequence[SecurityRequirement] | None = None, session_config: BaseBackendConfig | None = None, signature_namespace: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, signature_types: Sequence[Any] | None = None, state: State | None = None, static_files_config: Sequence[StaticFilesConfig] | None = None, stores: StoreRegistry | dict[str, Store] | None = None, tags: Sequence[str] | None = None, template_config: TemplateConfig | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = None, websocket_class: type[WebSocket] | None = None, experimental_features: list[ExperimentalFeatures] | None = None) AsyncTestClient[Litestar]#

Create a Litestar app instance and initializes it.

AsyncTestClient with it.


  • This function should be called as a context manager to ensure async startup and shutdown are

    handled correctly.


from litestar import get
from litestar.testing import create_async_test_client

def my_handler() -> dict[str, str]:
    return {"hello": "world"}

async def test_my_handler() -> None:
    async with create_async_test_client(my_handler) as client:
        response = await client.get("/some-path")
        assert response.json() == {"hello": "world"}
  • route_handlers – A single handler or a sequence of route handlers, which can include instances of Router, subclasses of Controller or any function decorated by the route handler decorators.

  • backend – The async backend to use, options are “asyncio” or “trio”.

  • backend_optionsanyio options.

  • base_url – URL scheme and domain for test request paths, e.g. http://testserver.

  • raise_server_exceptions – Flag for underlying the test client to raise server exceptions instead of wrapping them in an HTTP response.

  • root_path – Path prefix for requests.

  • session_config – Configuration for Session Middleware class to create raw session cookies for request to the route handlers.

  • after_exception – A sequence of exception hook handlers. This hook is called after an exception occurs. In difference to exception handlers, it is not meant to return a response - only to process the exception (e.g. log it, send it to Sentry etc.).

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed after the route handler function returned and the response object has been resolved. Receives the response object.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • allowed_hosts – A sequence of allowed hosts, or an AllowedHostsConfig instance. Enables the builtin allowed hosts middleware.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the Request instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • before_send – A sequence of before send hook handlers. Called when the ASGI send function is called.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader to add to route handlers of this app. Can be overridden by route handlers.

  • compression_config – Configures compression behaviour of the application, this enabled a builtin or user defined Compression middleware.

  • cors_config – If set, configures CORS handling for the application.

  • csrf_config – If set, configures CSRFMiddleware.

  • debug – If True, app errors rendered as HTML with a stack trace.

  • dependencies – A string keyed mapping of dependency Providers.

  • dtoAbstractDTO to use for (de)serializing and validation of request data.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag to add to route handlers of this app. Can be overridden by route handlers.

  • event_emitter_backend – A subclass of BaseEventEmitterBackend.

  • exception_handlers – A mapping of status codes and/or exception types to handler functions.

  • guards – A sequence of Guard callables.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • lifespan – A list of callables returning async context managers, wrapping the lifespan of the ASGI application

  • listeners – A sequence of EventListener.

  • logging_config – A subclass of BaseLoggingConfig.

  • middleware – A sequence of Middleware.

  • multipart_form_part_limit – The maximal number of allowed parts in a multipart/formdata request. This limit is intended to protect from DoS attacks.

  • on_app_init – A sequence of OnAppInitHandler instances. Handlers receive an instance of AppConfig that will have been initially populated with the parameters passed to Litestar, and must return an instance of same. If more than one handler is registered they are called in the order they are provided.

  • on_shutdown – A sequence of LifespanHook called during application shutdown.

  • on_startup – A sequence of LifespanHook called during application startup.

  • openapi_config – Defaults to DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG

  • opt – A string keyed mapping of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • parameters – A mapping of Parameter definitions available to all application paths.

  • path

    A path fragment that is prefixed to all route handlers, controllers and routers associated with the application instance.

    New in version 2.8.0.

  • pdb_on_exception – Drop into the PDB when an exception occurs.

  • plugins – Sequence of plugins.

  • request_class – An optional subclass of Request to use for http connections.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as the app’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A sequence of Cookie.

  • response_headers – A string keyed mapping of ResponseHeader

  • response_cache_config – Configures caching behavior of the application.

  • return_dtoAbstractDTO to use for serializing outbound response data.

  • route_handlers – A sequence of route handlers, which can include instances of Router, subclasses of Controller or any callable decorated by the route handler decorators.

  • security – A sequence of dicts that will be added to the schema of all route handlers in the application. See SecurityRequirement for details.

  • signature_namespace – A mapping of names to types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling.

  • signature_types – A sequence of types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling. These types will be added to the signature namespace using their __name__ attribute.

  • state – An optional State for application state.

  • static_files_config – A sequence of StaticFilesConfig

  • stores – Central registry of Store that will be available throughout the application. If this is a dictionary to it will be passed to a StoreRegistry. If it is a StoreRegistry, this instance will be used directly.

  • tags – A sequence of string tags that will be appended to the schema of all route handlers under the application.

  • template_config – An instance of TemplateConfig

  • timeout – Request timeout

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • websocket_class – An optional subclass of WebSocket to use for websocket connections.

  • experimental_features – An iterable of experimental features to enable


An instance of AsyncTestClient with a created app instance.

litestar.testing.create_test_client(route_handlers: ControllerRouterHandler | Sequence[ControllerRouterHandler] | None = None, *, after_exception: Sequence[AfterExceptionHookHandler] | None = None, after_request: AfterRequestHookHandler | None = None, after_response: AfterResponseHookHandler | None = None, allowed_hosts: Sequence[str] | AllowedHostsConfig | None = None, backend: Literal['asyncio', 'trio'] = 'asyncio', backend_options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, base_url: str = 'http://testserver.local', before_request: BeforeRequestHookHandler | None = None, before_send: Sequence[BeforeMessageSendHookHandler] | None = None, cache_control: CacheControlHeader | None = None, compression_config: CompressionConfig | None = None, cors_config: CORSConfig | None = None, csrf_config: CSRFConfig | None = None, debug: bool = True, dependencies: Dependencies | None = None, dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, etag: ETag | None = None, event_emitter_backend: type[BaseEventEmitterBackend] = <class 'litestar.events.emitter.SimpleEventEmitter'>, exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap | None = None, guards: Sequence[Guard] | None = None, include_in_schema: bool | EmptyType = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, listeners: Sequence[EventListener] | None = None, logging_config: BaseLoggingConfig | EmptyType | None = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, middleware: Sequence[Middleware] | None = None, multipart_form_part_limit: int = 1000, on_app_init: Sequence[OnAppInitHandler] | None = None, on_shutdown: Sequence[LifespanHook] | None = None, on_startup: Sequence[LifespanHook] | None = None, openapi_config: OpenAPIConfig | None = OpenAPIConfig(title='Litestar API', version='1.0.0', create_examples=False, random_seed=10, contact=None, description=None, external_docs=None, license=None, security=None, components=Components(schemas={}, responses=None, parameters=None, examples=None, request_bodies=None, headers=None, security_schemes=None, links=None, callbacks=None, path_items=None), servers=[Server(url='/', description=None, variables=None)], summary=None, tags=None, terms_of_service=None, use_handler_docstrings=False, webhooks=None, operation_id_creator=<function default_operation_id_creator>, path=None, render_plugins=[<litestar.openapi.plugins.YamlRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.YamlRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.JsonRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.RapidocRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.SwaggerRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.StoplightRenderPlugin object>, <litestar.openapi.plugins.RedocRenderPlugin object>], openapi_router=None, openapi_controller=None, root_schema_site='redoc', enabled_endpoints={'oauth2-redirect.html', 'openapi.yml', 'openapi.yaml', 'openapi.json', 'rapidoc', 'swagger', 'elements', 'redoc'}), opt: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, parameters: ParametersMap | None = None, path: str | None = None, plugins: Sequence[PluginProtocol] | None = None, lifespan: list[Callable[[Litestar], AbstractAsyncContextManager] | AbstractAsyncContextManager] | None = None, raise_server_exceptions: bool = True, pdb_on_exception: bool | None = None, request_class: type[Request] | None = None, response_cache_config: ResponseCacheConfig | None = None, response_class: type[Response] | None = None, response_cookies: ResponseCookies | None = None, response_headers: ResponseHeaders | None = None, return_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = _EmptyEnum.EMPTY, root_path: str = '', security: Sequence[SecurityRequirement] | None = None, session_config: BaseBackendConfig | None = None, signature_namespace: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, signature_types: Sequence[Any] | None = None, state: State | None = None, static_files_config: Sequence[StaticFilesConfig] | None = None, stores: StoreRegistry | dict[str, Store] | None = None, tags: Sequence[str] | None = None, template_config: TemplateConfig | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = None, websocket_class: type[WebSocket] | None = None, experimental_features: list[ExperimentalFeatures] | None = None) TestClient[Litestar]#

Create a Litestar app instance and initializes it.

TestClient with it.


  • This function should be called as a context manager to ensure async startup and shutdown are

    handled correctly.


from litestar import get
from litestar.testing import create_test_client

def my_handler() -> dict[str, str]:
    return {"hello": "world"}

def test_my_handler() -> None:
    with create_test_client(my_handler) as client:
        response = client.get("/some-path")
        assert response.json() == {"hello": "world"}
  • route_handlers – A single handler or a sequence of route handlers, which can include instances of Router, subclasses of Controller or any function decorated by the route handler decorators.

  • backend – The async backend to use, options are “asyncio” or “trio”.

  • backend_optionsanyio options.

  • base_url – URL scheme and domain for test request paths, e.g. http://testserver.

  • raise_server_exceptions – Flag for underlying the test client to raise server exceptions instead of wrapping them in an HTTP response.

  • root_path – Path prefix for requests.

  • session_config – Configuration for Session Middleware class to create raw session cookies for request to the route handlers.

  • after_exception – A sequence of exception hook handlers. This hook is called after an exception occurs. In difference to exception handlers, it is not meant to return a response - only to process the exception (e.g. log it, send it to Sentry etc.).

  • after_request – A sync or async function executed after the route handler function returned and the response object has been resolved. Receives the response object.

  • after_response – A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the Request object and should not return any values.

  • allowed_hosts – A sequence of allowed hosts, or an AllowedHostsConfig instance. Enables the builtin allowed hosts middleware.

  • before_request – A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the Request instance and any non-None return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler.

  • before_send – A sequence of before send hook handlers. Called when the ASGI send function is called.

  • cache_control – A cache-control header of type CacheControlHeader to add to route handlers of this app. Can be overridden by route handlers.

  • compression_config – Configures compression behaviour of the application, this enabled a builtin or user defined Compression middleware.

  • cors_config – If set, configures CORS handling for the application.

  • csrf_config – If set, configures CSRFMiddleware.

  • debug – If True, app errors rendered as HTML with a stack trace.

  • dependencies – A string keyed mapping of dependency Providers.

  • dtoAbstractDTO to use for (de)serializing and validation of request data.

  • etag – An etag header of type ETag to add to route handlers of this app. Can be overridden by route handlers.

  • event_emitter_backend – A subclass of BaseEventEmitterBackend.

  • exception_handlers – A mapping of status codes and/or exception types to handler functions.

  • guards – A sequence of Guard callables.

  • include_in_schema – A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema.

  • lifespan – A list of callables returning async context managers, wrapping the lifespan of the ASGI application

  • listeners – A sequence of EventListener.

  • logging_config – A subclass of BaseLoggingConfig.

  • middleware – A sequence of Middleware.

  • multipart_form_part_limit – The maximal number of allowed parts in a multipart/formdata request. This limit is intended to protect from DoS attacks.

  • on_app_init – A sequence of OnAppInitHandler instances. Handlers receive an instance of AppConfig that will have been initially populated with the parameters passed to Litestar, and must return an instance of same. If more than one handler is registered they are called in the order they are provided.

  • on_shutdown – A sequence of LifespanHook called during application shutdown.

  • on_startup – A sequence of LifespanHook called during application startup.

  • openapi_config – Defaults to DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG

  • opt – A string keyed mapping of arbitrary values that can be accessed in Guards or wherever you have access to Request or ASGI Scope.

  • parameters – A mapping of Parameter definitions available to all application paths.

  • path

    A path fragment that is prefixed to all route handlers, controllers and routers associated with the application instance.

    New in version 2.8.0.

  • pdb_on_exception – Drop into the PDB when an exception occurs.

  • plugins – Sequence of plugins.

  • request_class – An optional subclass of Request to use for http connections.

  • response_class – A custom subclass of Response to be used as the app’s default response.

  • response_cookies – A sequence of Cookie.

  • response_headers – A string keyed mapping of ResponseHeader

  • response_cache_config – Configures caching behavior of the application.

  • return_dtoAbstractDTO to use for serializing outbound response data.

  • route_handlers – A sequence of route handlers, which can include instances of Router, subclasses of Controller or any callable decorated by the route handler decorators.

  • security – A sequence of dicts that will be added to the schema of all route handlers in the application. See SecurityRequirement for details.

  • signature_namespace – A mapping of names to types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling.

  • signature_types – A sequence of types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling. These types will be added to the signature namespace using their __name__ attribute.

  • state – An optional State for application state.

  • static_files_config – A sequence of StaticFilesConfig

  • stores – Central registry of Store that will be available throughout the application. If this is a dictionary to it will be passed to a StoreRegistry. If it is a StoreRegistry, this instance will be used directly.

  • tags – A sequence of string tags that will be appended to the schema of all route handlers under the application.

  • template_config – An instance of TemplateConfig

  • timeout – Request timeout

  • type_encoders – A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization.

  • websocket_class – An optional subclass of WebSocket to use for websocket connections.

  • experimental_features – An iterable of experimental features to enable


An instance of TestClient with a created app instance.

litestar.testing.subprocess_async_client(workdir: Path, app: str) AsyncIterator[AsyncClient]#

Provides an async httpx client for a litestar app launched in a subprocess.

  • workdir – Path to the directory in which the app module resides.

  • app – Uvicorn app string that can be resolved in the provided working directory, e.g.: “app:app”

litestar.testing.subprocess_sync_client(workdir: Path, app: str) Iterator[Client]#

Provides a sync httpx client for a litestar app launched in a subprocess.

  • workdir – Path to the directory in which the app module resides.

  • app – Uvicorn app string that can be resolved in the provided working directory, e.g.: “app:app”

class litestar.testing.life_span_handler.LifeSpanHandler#

Bases: Generic[T]

__init__(client: T) None#