Litestar supports a plugin system that allows you to extend the functionality of the framework.
See also
Plugins are defined by protocols, and any type that satisfies a protocol can be included in the plugins
argument of
the app
defines an interface that allows for customization of the application’s initialization process.
Init plugins can define dependencies, add route handlers, configure middleware, and much more!
Implementations of these plugins must define a single method:
on_app_init(self, app_config: AppConfig) -> AppConfig:
The method accepts and must return an AppConfig
instance, which can be modified
and is later used to instantiate the application.
This method is invoked after any on_app_init
hooks have been called, and each plugin is invoked in the order that
they are provided in the plugins
argument of the app
. Because of this, plugin
authors should make it clear in their documentation if their plugin should be invoked before or after other plugins.
The following example shows a simple plugin that adds a route handler, and a dependency to the application.
implementation example#from typing import Dict
from litestar import Litestar, get
from import AppConfig
from litestar.di import Provide
from litestar.plugins import InitPlugin
@get("/", sync_to_thread=False)
def route_handler(name: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {"hello": name}
def get_name() -> str:
return "world"
class MyPlugin(InitPlugin):
def on_app_init(self, app_config: AppConfig) -> AppConfig:
app_config.dependencies["name"] = Provide(get_name, sync_to_thread=False)
return app_config
app = Litestar(plugins=[MyPlugin()])
implementation example#from litestar import Litestar, get
from import AppConfig
from litestar.di import Provide
from litestar.plugins import InitPlugin
@get("/", sync_to_thread=False)
def route_handler(name: str) -> dict[str, str]:
return {"hello": name}
def get_name() -> str:
return "world"
class MyPlugin(InitPlugin):
def on_app_init(self, app_config: AppConfig) -> AppConfig:
app_config.dependencies["name"] = Provide(get_name, sync_to_thread=False)
return app_config
app = Litestar(plugins=[MyPlugin()])
Run it
> curl
The MyPlugin
class is an implementation of the InitPlugin
. It
defines a single method, on_app_init()
, which takes an AppConfig
as an argument and returns same.
In the on_app_init()
method, the dependency mapping is updated to include a new dependency named "name"
, which
is provided by the get_name()
function, and route_handlers
is updated to include the route_handler()
function. The modified AppConfig
instance is then returned.
The SerializationPluginProtocol defines a contract for plugins that provide serialization functionality for data types that are otherwise unsupported by the framework.
Implementations of these plugins must define the following methods.
supports_type(self, field_definition: FieldDefinition) -> bool:
The method takes a FieldDefinition
instance as an argument and returns a bool
indicating whether the plugin supports serialization for that type.
create_dto_for_type(self, field_definition: FieldDefinition) -> type[AbstractDTO]:
This method accepts a FieldDefinition
instance as an argument and must return a
implementation that can be used to serialize and deserialize
the type.
During application startup, if a data or return annotation is encountered that is not a supported type, is supported by
the plugin, and doesn’t otherwise have a dto
or return_dto
defined, the plugin is used to create a DTO type for
that annotation.
The following example shows the actual implementation of the SerializationPluginProtocol
SQLAlchemy models that is is provided in advanced_alchemy
implementation example## ruff: noqa: TC004
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from litestar.utils import warn_deprecation
__all__ = ("SQLAlchemySerializationPlugin",)
def __getattr__(attr_name: str) -> object:
if attr_name in __all__:
info=f"importing {attr_name} from 'litestar.contrib.sqlalchemy.plugins.serialization' is deprecated, please "
"import it from 'litestar.plugins.sqlalchemy' instead",
from advanced_alchemy.extensions.litestar import SQLAlchemySerializationPlugin
value = globals()[attr_name] = SQLAlchemySerializationPlugin
return value
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {attr_name!r}") # pragma: no cover
from advanced_alchemy.extensions.litestar import SQLAlchemySerializationPlugin
supports_type(self, field_definition: FieldDefinition) -> bool:
returns a bool
indicating whether the plugin supports serialization for the given type. Specifically, we return
if the parsed type is either a collection of SQLAlchemy models or a single SQLAlchemy model.
create_dto_for_type(self, field_definition: FieldDefinition) -> type[AbstractDTO]:
takes a FieldDefinition
instance as an argument and returns a
subclass and includes some logic that may be
interesting to potential serialization plugin authors.
The first thing the method does is check if the parsed type is a collection of SQLAlchemy models or a single SQLAlchemy
model, retrieves the model type in either case and assigns it to the annotation
The method then checks if annotation
is already in the _type_dto_map
dictionary. If it is, it returns the
corresponding DTO type. This is done to ensure that multiple SQLAlchemyDTO
subtypes are not created for the same model.
If the annotation is not in the _type_dto_map
dictionary, the method creates a new DTO type for the annotation,
adds it to the _type_dto_map
dictionary, and returns it.
can be used to extend Litestar’s dependency
injection by providing information about injectable types.
Its main purpose it to facilitate the injection of callables with unknown signatures,
for example Pydantic’s BaseModel
classes; These are not supported natively since,
while they are callables, their type information is not contained within their callable
signature (their __init__()
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.di import Provide
from litestar.plugins import DIPlugin
class MyBaseType:
def __init__(self, param):
self.param = param
class MyDIPlugin(DIPlugin):
def has_typed_init(self, type_: Any) -> bool:
return issubclass(type_, MyBaseType)
def get_typed_init(self, type_: Any) -> Tuple[Signature, Dict[str, Any]]:
signature = Signature([Parameter(name="param", kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)])
annotations = {"param": str}
return signature, annotations
@get("/", dependencies={"injected": Provide(MyBaseType, sync_to_thread=False)})
async def handler(injected: MyBaseType) -> str:
return injected.param
app = Litestar(route_handlers=[handler], plugins=[MyDIPlugin()])
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from typing import Any
from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.di import Provide
from litestar.plugins import DIPlugin
class MyBaseType:
def __init__(self, param):
self.param = param
class MyDIPlugin(DIPlugin):
def has_typed_init(self, type_: Any) -> bool:
return issubclass(type_, MyBaseType)
def get_typed_init(self, type_: Any) -> tuple[Signature, dict[str, Any]]:
signature = Signature([Parameter(name="param", kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)])
annotations = {"param": str}
return signature, annotations
@get("/", dependencies={"injected": Provide(MyBaseType, sync_to_thread=False)})
async def handler(injected: MyBaseType) -> str:
return injected.param
app = Litestar(route_handlers=[handler], plugins=[MyDIPlugin()])
Run it
> curl